Saturday, January 2, 2010

All sold

Only one left! Im so happy that people appreciate the weirdness that I am producing.It comes from the heart honest.

Dusty Dog

blubalt other

PICT0026 copy
I have about three more guys ready and will put them up on
I hope some one likes them...I need to find another avenue besides my blog, lol and skullbrain (respect)
They will be ones I have shown on my flickr and here but not put up for sale like the BluBlat above and maybe Hippie Mantis and a Camo SG3.

Music to listen to...
SANDOR CARON-Incompatible
And for something a little more upbeat, a bit of SENIOR ALLSTARS-Come Around

Till soon
Ive got to say a BIG thanks to the cool guys who bought my stuff and supported me. peace.

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