Saturday, March 20, 2010

I will be releasing some more of these "monksters" on April 1 from Ive had a funtime painting in a pretty loose style..all spray cans over dark resin bases. Many layers to get the right look. Ive decided to call these guys/release "the nebulords" 'coz the overall look is pretty cosmic but dark.

I'd like to talk a little about the actual sculpted form of these guys.
Through photographing them and posting on flickr I noticed some strange angles so here is my attempt to explain what is going on with these sculpts.
Generally these fellows have a graceful look from some angles and odd or simplistic from another. Even though these were my first real attempt at sculpting, it was a purposeful decision to keep the sculpt as I had drawn in the initial sketch, i just really dug the way they cam out and didnt want to modify them and risk losing their strange form though the m3 knife wielding fellow was a departure from my original sketch. Originally in the sketch this guy had tight jeans and a slightly different character through messing about with the plasticene when sculpting and moulding his stance I found I liked his accidental stance and baggies and decided to keep it.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy these sculpts that I am making.

I have started some new characters from 2 different worlds and am looking forward to bringing them to life.... stay tuned for the nebulord release! . peace.

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